Poem in A for Daniel.A
Angèle never put an A at the end of her name
Angèle never become Angèl.A
Angèle stayed all her life an Angèle with no A
A day, Angèle, the Mother mets Robert, the Male, Robert with a T
Robert never put an A at the end of his name
If he’d put an A at the end of his name, his name would become Robert.A
Robert.A is a name of a female
Robert with a T doesn’t want to be seen as a female
Robert with a T is a male and wants to be seen as a male
For all his life
As Robert with a T became the male of Angèle with no A
It was as a thunderbolt in the sky of Hélène with no A
Hélène, the daughter of Angèle felt then the lack of A
Because A is the letter of the beginning
Hélène put an A at the end of her name
Hélène became then Elen.A
At that time Elen.A didn’t think to Mart.A
She always knew Mart.A as a Mart.A with an A
Perhaps she forgot
Probably she never knew
Before becoming Mart.A with an A, Mart.A was used to be called as Marthe with an E
How would Elen.A knew that ?
How would have Elen.A known that Marthe with an E became Mart.A with an A
because the A is the letter of the beginning ?